#46 What’s Your One Word? Discovering Yourself in the Age of AI

Happy Friday Reader!

Our family has a fun tradition at dinner, where we all share the best and worst parts of our day.

We call it “roses and thorns.” It’s a special time when we talk, laugh, and connect. This week, when it was my turn, I shared something a little different.

I told my family I’ve been super busy finishing my masterclass curriculum for the Future-Ready Woman Cohort 4 in September, and I hardly have time for anything else.

On the one hand, it’s much work because each masterclass is unique — tailored to the group of women who join and the rapidly advancing technology that keeps evolving. I had to adapt many course elements over the last few months. But despite all the hard work, my “rose” of the week?

I finally found the one word that describes who I am.

So, I asked my family, “What’s your one word?”

My husband, our au pair, and the kids all started thinking — it’s not as easy as it sounds!

My oldest daughter was the first to answer.

She said, “Kind.”

But before anyone could say anything, my youngest daughter quickly said, “No, you’re mean to me!” She started listing everything her sister did wrong that day, like not sharing ice cream. We all laughed because that’s just what sisters do, right?

Then I asked my little one what her one word was, and she proudly stood up on her chair and said, “Confident.”

And you know what?

Everyone at the table smiled and agreed, even her sister.

What’s Your One Word?

Have you ever thought about the one word that describes who you are?

Finding your one word can be difficult, but it's a journey worth taking. Understanding your uniqueness and strengths can guide your life and help you make the right choices.

Knowing what you do best is empowering, especially in the age of AI, where teaming up with a machine as a collaborator is crucial.

My Journey to Finding My Word

To find my one word, I started by thinking about what makes me me.

I asked myself, “What words describe me best?”

I also talked to friends and people I admire to get their thoughts.

One friend wrote back:

“Simone’s superpower is her imagination and vision. When I think about her, I get the image of a superwoman who can fly high and see things in advance, far ahead. But I also see Simone’s enormous energy when flying fast while dancing around and having fun. She is an inspiration.”

Wow, this was pretty incredible feedback.

I even tried some fun personality tests like 16 Personalities and the VIA Character Strengths Finder to learn more about myself.

After gathering all this information, I looked for common themes and unique words others used to describe me. But with so much feedback, I started to feel overwhelmed — especially since I only had 30 minutes before I had to pick up my kids.

I’m not a career coach and didn’t have time to go through every detail, even though I wanted to learn more.

That’s when I decided to use my AI buddy, ChatGPT, to help me sort through everything.

So, I removed my personal details, started a conversation, and let AI help me think about my strengths and characteristics.

The best part?

AI doesn’t judge— it just helps you dig deeper until you find the word that really feels right.

And guess what?

My one word is “Visionary.”

It was a moment of pure joy and inspiration when I discovered this about myself.

If you haven’t found your one word yet, I encourage you to start thinking about it today. It's an exciting journey of self-discovery that can guide you in everything you do.

What's your one word? Trust me, it’s worth finding it.

❤️ from Venice Beach


Creator of Future-Ready Woman

Are you a corporate woman in a non-tech field ready to fuel your career with AI and tech? Let's empower your future by merging human skills with digital savvyness —the ultimate formula for women's career success. All it takes is less than 5 minutes a week. Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter for your instant Digital Fluency boost!

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