#41 Get your personal Digital Fluency Index: How digitally fluent are you?

Happy Wednesday Reader!

Today, I'm back with a bit of surprise.

I'm launching my free 5-day email course called "Digital Fluency Bytes." It's a Quickstarter and Self-Assessment tool that will give you your personal Digital Fluency Index.

That's why I've been a bit quieter over the past few weeks because I've been diligently working on the course. Next week, I'm launching it, specifically looking for women in my network to be the first to test it.

If you're interested in joining this selected group, you can read more in today's newsletter about why I believe more women should embark on their Digital Fluency Journey.

But first, let's get our thinking juices flowing, shall we?

Time to Tune In ❤️

One of the biggest challenges I faced when fostering my own Digital Fluency Mindset was the need for a clear pathway.

"You constantly get reminded that you need to upskill, especially regarding AI, but nobody tells you how."

Another problem I saw was that most upskilling programs on the market focus purely on teaching "hard" tech skills. They forget that being digitally fluent means so much more in the future of work. We must also foster essential future skills like critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

These skills most of us women excel naturally. Combined with digital savviness, we become unstoppable.

Ready to Gear Up 🧰

That's when I decided to create my learning system, the "Digital Fluency Flywheel," a 4-step system that fuses human skills with AI savviness.

The four steps are Tune In, Gear Up, Play, and Accelerate.

Each step is designed to build on the previous one, creating a comprehensive learning journey that accelerates over time and boosts your tech confidence.

Designing a new system was intense.

I realized I needed help because I had collected so many insights over a decade while working with Airbnb's founders and later teaching CEOs worldwide how to develop a digital mindset. So, I hired Charlotte Growther, a Visual Mental Model expert, to help me structure all my thinking visually. It felt like finally finding all the essential bits and pieces and putting them in the correct order, like creating a beautiful mosaic.

If you want to learn more about how we did it, here is a behind the scene video:

video preview

I'm so glad I did all the hard work.

Put your Power Play on 🕹️

Now, more women can follow my step-by-step system to become more tech-confident and embark on a journey of personal & professional growth.

With this method, upskilling is not overwhelming, as you'll have a clear learning path to accelerate. You can easily see your success in learning at each step.

It also comes with the Digital Fluency Index, a self-assessment tool that reviews your progress in the four steps. It's designed to be simple, allowing you to track your digital fluency growth over time.

The best news is that this system works;

I use it every day and teach it in my masterclasses, and now, more and more women are boosting their careers by improving their Digital Fluency index.

Over 50% of my students get a pay raise, promotion, or more praise after six months of being part of my program.

Ready to Accelerate 🚀

I will launch my email course 'Digital Fluency Bytes" next week, and you will be the first to hear about it.

This is a thank you for supporting me on my journey early on.

The course will introduce you to the four steps of the Digital Fluency Flywheel and end on day 5 with a self-assessment, your personal "Digital Fluency Index," to help you start your learning journey.

I'm looking for 100 women who can help me test it.

After finishing your course and getting your index, I'm interested to hear:

  • What are your biggest takeaways?
  • Did anything surprise you?
  • What would you like to focus on and prioritize?
  • What are you excited about?

By creating this free email course, I hope to inspire more women to join me on my mission to make our digital world more human and diverse.

I'm deeply grateful for your support and excited to see how this journey unfolds for you.

❤️ from Venice Beach


Creator of Future-Ready Woman

Are you a corporate woman in a non-tech field ready to fuel your career with AI and tech? Let's empower your future by merging human skills with digital savvyness —the ultimate formula for women's career success. All it takes is less than 5 minutes a week. Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter for your instant Digital Fluency boost!

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