#48 AI Clones & Mascots: Why I Said No to My Digital Twin (For Now)

Happy Saturday Reader!

I’m in full bloom with my Bitkom masterclass (that’s also why I’m writing you on Saturday). During our live Play Session, we experimented with all the latest storytelling AI tools — bringing ideas to life in a fun way.

Just Because We Can, Doesn’t Mean We Should

While playing around with HeyGen — an AI tool that lets you build a digital twin of yourself in just two minutes — I had one of those “Aha!” moments:

Just because we can do something with AI, doesn’t necessarily mean we should.

If you haven’t seen it yet, go check it out. It’s mind-blowing how advanced these tools are becoming.

Unreal, actually.

All you need is a camera, a voice recording, give consent, and boom — a virtual version of you is ready to go.

The Dream of Cloning Yourself

It’s pretty wild to see yourself animated on screen, saying things exactly how you would. Nearly impossible to detect, which is a whole other can of worms.

Initially, I was over the moon.

Who wouldn’t be?

Picture this: lounging on the beach with a drink (or spending time with your kids, but let’s be honest, ‘me time’ came to mind first). Meanwhile, my digital twin is out there, engaging in conversations in 40+ languages, delivering presentations, and answering queries—all while I’m relaxing. The efficiency! The productivity!

This is literally a dream for all of us women who wish we had more time and could be in two places simultaneously. Isn't it?

The Reality Check: Do I Want to Clone Myself?

But then I paused.

Something about it didn’t sit right with me. I started thinking: Do I really want to clone myself?

Yes, it’s so cool. Yes, it’s fast. Yes, it’s free. But where’s my voice and face really going to end up? Who’s going to control it? Do I want a version of me floating around in the digital world, interacting in ways I can’t fully oversee?

What Happens When Your Digital Twin Takes Over?

Imagine you’re the CEO (yes, we think big, ladies!). Your digital avatar holds all the employee meetings in every language you can imagine, while you travel the world (working, of course, not sipping drinks on the beach like me). Everyone loves you or let's say pretends. But what happens when you, the CEO, leave the corporation?

  • Does your digital twin stay behind?
  • Can your identity be used for things you’re not okay with?
  • How much control do you actually have?

The more I thought about it, the less sure I felt.

A Safer Alternative: The Simone Mascottchen

That’s when I had an idea: instead of cloning myself 100%, I instead create something a little different — an avatar, or as I call it in German, a "Simone Maskottchen". A mascot inspired by me, but not me. It could still carry my energy and personality, but without being an exact copy. It felt safer right away. More comfortable. And still fun and creative!

Setting Boundaries in the Age of AI

We all need to set our own boundaries in this age of AI.

Some people jump right in and say Yes! to everything, but I’ve decided to say No for now. Who knows, though? I recently watched a documentary where people created digital twins of loved ones who had passed away to help with their grief. When it comes to that, my stance might depend on the situation. But that’s a whole other can of worms for another day—for the immortality thinkers among us.

What I want to leave you with today: Before you dive headfirst into the world of AI clones, take a moment to think carefully about how much of yourself you want to put out there — especially when it comes to something as personal as your voice or face. Maybe a mascot is a better fit—something that reflects your essence but keeps a little distance.

What mascot would you choose for yourself? (Don’t pick the “Gecko” though—that one’s already taken from Geiko 😉).

Have a great weekend!

❤️ from Venice Beach


Creator of Future-Ready Woman

Are you a corporate woman in a non-tech field ready to fuel your career with AI and tech? Let's empower your future by merging human skills with digital savvyness —the ultimate formula for women's career success. All it takes is less than 5 minutes a week. Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter for your instant Digital Fluency boost!

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